Thursday, 11 April 2013

Day Five - Project 7

Thursday, April 4th

  This day was what my students, in their fits of hyperbolic expression, would classify as an "Epic Fail".  That is to say, not really epic in the sense of glorious battle and adventure in poetic verse, but a simple inability to achieve a basic goal.  I did not really work on my project today.  Sometimes, at the end of a day, when work is done, and I've gotten as much time in with my kid as the workday will allow, and I've done my exercise bike work, and I look at the clock and realize that it's about 9 pm, I question the need to pore over the websites or library books or yarn of my current project and say, "Sleep is for the weak and I am weak so give me sleep please cuz it's for me."

  I promise to go to the library tomorrow and get books about cars and how one fixes them.


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