Sunday, 3 February 2013

Day Five - Project 1

  I am boring myself.  I think other bjournals have the benefit of a writer who is writing about something.  Soon enough, I am going to have to consult the list and decide about Project Two, but in the meantime, I am feeling entirely too self-aggrandizing.  That's not remotely the right word.  There is nothing grand about sitting in one's tee shirt and underpants trying to think of an interesting fact or anecdote to share.

  Yup.  Still thinking.

  Okay.  Anecdotal.  Keep in mind this is derived from anecdotal evidence.  Did you know that ninth graders are the most hypothetically-minded humans ever?  Check it out.  anecdotal, unsubstantiated, and let's face it, hyperbolic.  Really, though.  Check out these totally not-just-from-questionable-memory FACKEDS*:

  "Mr. Swinemer, what if you had the choice between a Pegasus or a Unicorn?"  -Science class

  "Mr. Swim-a-nur, what if zombies attacked the school?"  -English class

  "Mr. Swim, what if you could run faster than light speed?"  -Math class

  "Mr. S, what if we are all in the Matrix now?"  -English class

  "Mr....Aahh (yes, two months in the same teaching position, forgot even the semblance of my name), what if the Hulk fought Superman?"  -Chess club

  "Miss......ter (remembered eventually teacher is male), what if I pulled my TECH-NINE on you?  Would you be scared?"  -Social Studies class

  I try not to let my students waste too much time, but jeez....

  Pegasus, save my chess players, go back in time by running real fast to save non-chess players, float in gelatin I suppose, Superman would beat the angry snot from the green idiot, wish for the super-speed again.

  Why are you still reading this?  I have a fervent belief that when I get into a project where this bjournal is not the message, only the medium, the three of you and I will be much more interested/interesting.  I'm sure you are all interesting already.

You can follow me now.  I mean there are links that you should allow you to follow my online bjournal entries, not serve as the first recruits in what would became a vast army of theocratic soldiers devoted to my will.  The online one.

You CAN follow me now.


*  "Wow!  These are easy to swallow!"  "They're low-carb, too!"  "What are they?"  "Just the FACKEDS (tm), Ma'am."

1 comment:

  1. Those are some kooky kids you teach there mike.

    Keep up the posting. For no other reason that every time you say bjournal I keep saying it like some others would say bjork or bjody!
