There is this pain. I noticed it every time I stretched in the last....three and a half decades. I would reach for my toes or try to do some other basic flex-ability (copyright pending), but there was that pain. I never liked pain when I was little. I mis-liked it more than most. I think the term should be Pre-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder. You know, that sounds better than cowardice. As I got older, My fear of pain made me angry, yadda yadda yadda, Yoda, Yoda, Yoda, and I started standing up for myself. I even took Kung Fu for a couple years. Not that I became a good fighter, but I learned to take physical punishment. Had no problem with it.
On the outside. This isn't some emotional metaphor nonsense. I can take a punch, but I HATE having blood drawn, or a sore back, or a sinus headache. I hate pain on the inside. Back in that Kung Fu class, I could take way more hits than I could hold a stretch...see? Inside pain.
During the many brief spikes in my life when I lived a more active lifestyle (Fencing, Kung Fu, going to the gym 3 times a week), I never got further with flexibility.
What I learned this project? Pain is pain is pain. I say, if you're like me and in terrible shape, just see it as a thing to get used to. That's your, need it in proper couch potato terms....
The pain of stretching is your first End Boss. It may take a couple times to beat it, but maybe just see what kind of attacks work on it and what doesn't. If it's too easy, there're probably harder levels. And if you get a workout partner to help you stretch, that's like co-op play, and downloadable content is...metaphor has lost structural integrity.
Don't mind the pain so much. No more metaphors. Partially because I'm tired, and partially because it might start to sound like BDSM advice. I said, DON'T MIND IT, that's it.
See you in a few minutes for Day One, Project 3.
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