Sunday, 10 March 2013

Day 10 - Project 4 (Complete)

  Mary, who loathes knitting now, was the one who taught me how to bind off.  I watched a video from and the woman demonstrated it exactly how Mary showed me.  I took the loose end of yarn once it was cut and fed it into the last loop, and it seems pretty tight, but it's not like I sewed it in with some kind of knitting-sewing-needle thing, which they have and I'd never heard of, because I spent ten days learning the absolute basics.

  I learned I like knitting.  It's not as awesome as reading Mark Twain, sure, but it's heaps better then making my back and legs sore with tons of stretching.  One Christmas in recent memory, I baked homemade bread for everyone.  This was awesome because (a) there are still people who like getting homemade stuff, and (b) I'm so poor I can't really afford Christmas.  So win-win.  I might try to make a few scarves this year, in and around all the other things that need doing.  But if I start now, I might be able to make a handful without having it take over my life.

  Here is the incredibly lopsided thing that my kid was bouncing off the walls in anticipation of giving to her stuffed animal:

Is it just me, or does it sort of look like a cape? 

  Well, it is wool, so technically, if her toy lamb wears it, it makes Lambie marginally more real, right?  Dad for the WIN!

  Magda is asking for knitted police uniforms and other costumes for her stuffed animals.  This could save me a fortune in presents if I get better at this.

  I've be cheap.


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