Yeah, so.....
I have done many, many things that have made me feel stupid, and inept, and ignorant in my 3.73 decades. Eleventh Grade Mathematics. Guitar Hero on the hard setting. Snowboarding. Taxes.
Knitting is without a doubt the hardest thing that I have ever tried to figure out. Hands down.
I watched the library dvd last night (Friday, March 1st). It was like watching the "Church Lady" from SNL. The needles I got are apparently not the kind I should've been using, and my non-wool yarn from the dollar store means I'm a filthy communist who doesn't care about the hardworking shepherd and his/her disappearing way of life.
I brought the Knitting for Dummies book with me to my daughter's gym/dance class this morning, and one of the dads who has heard about my projects suggested (a) learn to ride a motorcycle, and (b), upon hearing that I was trying to knit, that I should add swim the English Channel. Knitting for Dummies talks about the wonders of knitting at work, at stoplights, I assume after the end of a particularly stressful round of boxing. Then the book proceeds to explain your step by step actions on one page, and displays incomprehensible diagrams on the following.
It was Mary's birthday. I focused on that instead. I made burgers, and poutine, and a pretty blue and pink cake (I was aiming for green and orange, but I didn't have the right food colours). It was a good day, and I think I won't feel guilty about my stressful project when the birthday seemed to turn out okay.
I could totally swim the English Channel.
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